Ficus foveolata Wall Extract
Ficus foveolata Wall Description
Ficus foveolata Wall Liquid Extract: The horse-trampling plant (Maa-Kra-Teeb- Rong) has the scientific name as Ficus foveolata Wall or Ficus sarmentosa Buch.-Ham. Ex Sm., it is famous for its potency, boosting blood circulation and especially increasing sexual desire. In the Thai herbal medicine formula, it was found that Thai folk people are often stomped on this plant to ferment liquor or boiled for energy drink, nourish the blood, relieve pain all the body and better digestion.
The horse-trampling plant (Ficus foveolata Wall) is a plant in the family of Moraceae. It looks like a shrub with a brown bark. It is spiky classified as a rare herb which found in the north and northeast of Thailand. There are more plants in the genus of Ficus for more over 800 species. In previous research, the composition of this plant was studied, Tritaminoid substances were found and including (triterpenoids) alkaloids, stilbenes, flavonoids and 7-methoxycoumarin. Those substances are important component that active anti-growth of mold and insect elimination. Methanol extract from this plant which contains stilbenes and gnetol actives anti the activity of the enzyme butyl choline esterase which this enzyme actives in Alzheimer’s disease.
- Improving sexual desire: The whole tree of the horse trampling plant has the properties to nourish and relieve pain as well as elixir, better appetite, expel blood Hemorrhoids treatment, especially increase sexual desire, enhance sexual performance and nourish the inside body elements.
- Nourishing blood circulation: the wood vine of the horse-trampling plant has a cool taste, the tonic properties active to relieve aches, nourish the elements, relieve toothache, better appetite, expel lymphatic fluid, cure cirrhosis of the blood, relieve back pain and lumbar pain.
- Various pain reliefs: the wood texture of the horse-trampling plant has the properties to relieve headache, relieve back pain and lumbar pain.
Packaging Details:
- 30 ml in plastic bottle or for more quantity the packaging is upon customer’s requested
Shipping Details:
Delivery Method | Express Delivery Service (DHL) | By Air |
Shipping Quantity | Under 100kg | Over 100kg |
Delivery Time | 3-7 days | 5-10 days |
Characteristic | Door to Door | Airport to Airport |
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